Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client in order to encourage emotional or physical healing
Stress can affect how we cope, think and feel. Reiki is a gentle and calming way to regain your natural level of energy and clarity. Join me for a free 15 minute zoom consultation to discuss your needs and see if Energy Healing feels like the right path for you towards your healing.
"After my treatment I am experiencing the kind of buoyant energy I haven't felt in months...perhaps years!" JD
About Me
Hi, my name is Nanci,
I am a holistic therapist located in Toronto, working with Reiki Therapy Healing that will bring you balance and clarity of your goals and life path in this journey.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy”. Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
I practice Siam Reiki, which is the original blessing from Master Makao Usui. I also incorporate crystals into my Reiki sessions which makes my connection to your energy even stronger. Combining crystals with Reiki enhances the energetic power of your Reiki healing session.
Through my own healing process I was drawn to Reiki. As I began to experience how this energy can bring balance and healing, it became clear that my path was preparing me to become a Reiki Master, to offer healing to others.
I am also a Toronto based Artist. You can view my expressions on canvas at www.nancimirandaartist.com
My Approach
Reiki is a safe and effective way to bring your body into balance and to clear what is emotionally, physically and spiritually in the way of creating a more fulfilling life experience. During your treatment we will work together to achieve your intention. Whether that be healing a health issue or clearing and releasing a belief that is holding you back in life. Your comfort is my priority.
As an empath, I have the ability to help you reach a deeper sense of what is behind the issue that is holding you back. This may happen through connecting with your ancestors and loved ones who have passed away; bringing you messages. Or direct support from your guides. In my experience with clients, I have been shown that we all have emotional blocks that were created at a time of trauma in our lives to protect us. These blocks act like magnets. They draw to us, again and again, a similar experience until we are ready and able to fully feel and express those emotions from the original issue. Once this release happens, the experiences attached to the original block, undo much like a shoe lace; freeing that part of your psyche. It leaves a void or space in your cellular structure. Together we will replenish this space with a positive belief about yourself so that you can now attract positive experiences.
I have witnessed many healings with my clients and I am always in awe of how energy works and how we can regain a fullness to our lives.
When working with my clients, a level of trust exists and a deeper clearing occurs.
It would be my honour to offer you the healing energy of Reiki. I'm excited to begin this journey with you.
Please feel free to send me an email to set up a free consultation or an initial treatment to see if Reiki is right for you.
With Love & Light
"The whole experience during my treatment was so
beautitul & healing"
Treatment Room for in person Reiki treatments.
*Please note that we have pets. Peanut enjoys Reiki Treatments
as much as you will!
If you are uncomfortable with dogs, I can relocate her during your treatment.
Treatment Times Offered
Monday 7pm - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 12pm
Wednesday 11am - 12pm 7pm - 8pm
Thursday 3pm - 4pm
Friday 11am - 12pm
3pm - 4pm
Saturday 3pm - 4pm
Sunday 11am -12pm
3pm - 4pm